Saturday, March 7, 2009

Online Discount Codes Fashion

Search High and Low
Google the name of the store you’re inquiring about along with the words “promotion” and ”discount code.” This is nearly guaranteed to generate multiple promo codes for a particular e-tailer. There are also a number of sites that help you track down discount codes, like and Use your shopping savvy to track down exactly what you’re looking for. offers a fun new way for shoppers to find products or sales at their local mall via the Internet or a cell phone. You can even pick up merchandise the same day. On the site, type in your state, click on the nearest mall and then enter the product you're looking for. Find something you like at a price you love? Check to see if the item is in stock. Once you register, you can even receive coupons through your cell, so you can walk right into a store and take
advantage of special deals. This saves you money and time. This site lists coupon codes for hundreds of well-known online retailers (of everything from clothing to books to office supplies), and allows you to shop by merchant or category. Peruse several discounts, deals and special offers.

A side from its sassy name, we love social shopping site because, in addition to compiling the best online bargains and coupon codes, it gives you a brief background on each retailer (just in case you didn’t know what 1-800-FLOWERS sells) and tells you just how many offers each one currently has available. The range of savings not only includes markdowns on merchandise or service, but also “free shipping” offers. From A Pea in the Pod to Payless, Avon to AT&T, Wal-Mart to Wolf Camera (you get the picture), you’re sure to find a steal or deal here.

article : Cracking the Discount Codes by Dara Fleischer
source :

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